Start off your 2020 being mindful of what you need to be a better person.
What are 10 great things that happened or that I accomplished in 2019?
What bad habits do I want to leave in the past?
What limiting beliefs about myself will I leave behind?
A new experience I want to have is…
What is already going well in my life?
What are my values and what do I stand for without compromise?
Something new I want to learn to do this year is…
What do I want more of in 2020?
What do I want less of?
How can I put myself first?
Who or what inspires me to be better and why?
What do I need to stop judging myself and others for?
What are 5 of my greatest strengths?
Ten things that make me happy are…
My empowering mantra for the next year will be…
Something I want to change or improve this year is…
How can I make life easier?
One small thing I’ll do everyday to be my best self is…
Ten things I am most thankful for are…
The kind of people I want to attract have the following qualities…
What does my dream life look like?
If I knew I couldn’t fail, what would I do?
How can I best serve my community?
What kind of person do I want to be?
What strategy can I implement to be productive everyday?
How do I define success?
Where do I want to be in 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months?
What’s one thing I will do that I was too afraid to do before?
How will I practice self care in stressful moments?
What can I let go of to make space for something better?
Do I need to forgive anyone, or myself, so I can more forward without that baggage?
What does my ideal day look like?
If someone asked me to describe myself I would say…
What’s one thing I can look forward to this year?
When 2021 arrives I want to have accomplished these 3 things…
These questions have been pulled from another website, click here to see the original post!